Wednesday, December 18, 2019

cover the sinner's nakedness or not?

A notion has developed in the church that like
Noah's sons who covered his nakedness, we
should keep quiet about serious evils. I mentioned
the issue of a bishop known in the homosexual
community as an active member of it, and the
response was we should cover our father's nakedness
and not expose him (he was already exposed online
anyway) but this is bullshit.

Did Noah condemn his sons when they did not cover
their brother's nakedness but told on him to Noah? 
No. Noah blessed them and cursed Ham's son Canaan
who had something to do with this. (God having already 
blessed all three of Noah's sons earlier Noah couldn't
curse any of them directly, some figure.) 

every kind of evil, the abusers, rapists, murderers,
seducers, corrupters, etc. etc and bullies and thieves
at school and perverts and abusive families all demand
and enforce SILENCE. it is the tool of evil which likes
to hide Ephesians 5 addressed to all says to expose evil
rebuke it publicly and Paul tells Titus the same. This
is not limited to official pronouncement, and that would
require someone saying something about it anyway.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

the rebaptism issue among some Athonites

The person doing the video in the last post is of the opinion along with some
on Mt. Athos apparently, that Roman Catholics who come home from Rome
to Orthodoxy must be rebaptized because they have no baptism because
they think baptism reactivates something dormant in the fallen human (I
don't know if that is accurate or not or a misunderstanding of something)
instead of adding something divine not original to the human, and because
of the filioque and so forth. There is no baptism, he says.

There is something and there is what someone thinks about the something.
RC can have some wrong ideas about The Holy Trinity yet still be
orienting around The Holy Trinity through Their Second Person Jesus
Christ Who died on the Cross and came back to life physically and

One should also look at what the Orthodox Church was doing centuries
past, though there came a time when rebaptism was required it wasn't
so for most of the separation and ceased later.

In the early days of the church in dealing with persons coming from
heresies, some required rebaptism and some did not, depending on
the content of the heresy and the form of the baptism and words used.

In present times rebaptism is not required normally. It is argued that
The Holy Spirit will fill whatever is lacking once one becomes

you could argue that the prior times were before papal infallibility
and Immaculate Conception of Mary but these aren't all that
Christological and don't challenge the Core Beliefs of the Creed.

There is a formula of conditional rebaptism "If you are baptized then
I do not baptize you but if you are not baptized then I baptize you in
the Name of the Father and The Son and The Holy Spirit." Or you
could just figure this is built in, especially where a rebaptism is
done just in case there was some error in the original one.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

God's wrath and God's love

The Fathers are not alien to the idea of God's anger at sin, both the renovationsts and the
more classical agree that God's anger is not the passion driven unstable etc. stuff we are used to. However anthropomorphic you want to deride it as, and God's love also, don't forget that,
it is solidly present in the Bible and that includes the Psalms we use.
OFten human anger is based in part on liking being angry or on varioius issues that don't have
to do with love. There is plenty of reason for God to have some anger at the intransigently
hostile to Him type humans. There is nothing evil about that.
God's love must be eliminated then with God's anger for both are anthropomorphisms. This
very term anthropomorphism reeks of the more educated type of paganism that rebelled
against the lowlife passionate "gods" of Greece and Rome, and their Renaissance humanist
heirs who laid the groundwork for later bad developments in theology east and west.
so you want to go that far?
when you love something you are angry at what tries to harm it. God is wrongly styled as
wrathful in the OT loving in the NT but while He shows His wrath at times, He spent a lot
space in the prophets begging people to repent and offering forgiveness. The NT fulfills
prophecies in the OT.
Granted His emotions for lack of a better word are not identical to human emotions but
at the same time, we being made in His image and likeness can't reject anthropomorphisms
outright for the very reason that we ARE made in His image and likeness however warped
that has become.
Its not a question of a God eagerly looking to torment people. indeed, Jesus says Sodom
will have it better in the Judgement because they WOULD have repented if given the signs
and wonders Christ did in some other cities who did not repent, and those will have it worse.
a God Who cuts you slack because of the good you would have done if given the chance the repentance you would have done if given the chance, is not a sadist. that doesn't mean they
will have blessedness, just not such bad punishment. the warning that the hypocrites who
devour the money of widows and orphans and for pretense make long prayers will have the
greater damnation shows there is a lesser damnation.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

advice from St. Anthony the Great

"If you consider riches and their full enjoyment to be merely a short-lived illusory vanity, if you know that a virtuous life pleasing to God is better than riches, you will hold fast to this conviction and keep it in memory; then you will not sigh, complain or reproach anyone, but will thank God for everything, when you see that men worse than you are praised for eloquence or erudition and wealth. Insatiable desire of riches and pleasures, love of fame and vainglory, coupled with ignorance of truth, are the worst passions of the soul."
   St. Anthony the Great, Philokalia.
"And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."  Galatians 6:9